You can earn the title of Five Rivers 5R by hiking five trails at Five Rivers between 9/22/20 and 10/12/20.
1. Woodlot Trail (0.2 mile)
2. Nature’s Accessible Backyard Trail (0.3 mile)
3. Beaver Tree Trail (0.5 mile)
4. Old Field Trail (0.6 mile)
5. Vlomankill Trail (0.6 mile)
As a bonus, try the Service Road Loop Trail (1.3 miles) or Wild Turkey Trail (1.6 miles).
The entry fee is $5 per person. Click here to visit the Friends of Five River’s website to learn more.
Below are pictures of three of the trails that I visited in September 2020.
Beaver Tree Trail (0.5 mile)
Woodlot Trail (0.2 mile)
Old Field Trail (0.6 mile)
The above pictures were taken in September 2020.